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This Weekend’s Speme: ADT

We’ve gotten past CNN and MSNBC spam. The newest round of spam theme (speme) is pushing ADT home security systems. According to the From field of the messages, “Certified ADT Dealer” or “Authorized ADT Dealer” is now spamming to sell ADT memberships.

All of the messages received at planetmike thus far have had both of these postal addresses listed:

3549 North University Provo, Utah 84604
11915 126th ave Kpn | Gig Harbor, WA 98329

The Utah address is apparently a mail center of some sort, based on the wide range of suites at that address. The Washington state address is in the middle of nowhere, but has been used in other spam messages earlier this month, see Email Spam and Scams Stink! for details.

The ADT spam give two of these links for online unsub requests

These domains currently all resolve to

ADT does not have a method to contact them from their web site that would not end up with my postal address, email and phone being besieged with marketing from ADT about their services. So hopefully they will learn of their rogue affiliate (or more likely, someone spamming and scamming in ADT’s name) when they get tons of complaints on Monday morning.

Visiting ends up in a redirect to You also get a meta refresh to According to their web site, “Market Leverage is an internet affiliate marketing network.” Javascript on their site is served by They also link to That Whois info (which has an invalid state listed, and the domain should be shut down by ICANN) refers to What a tangled web of spam.