You can customize tons of Eudora settings by using s. They are mostly defined at X-Eudora-Settings.txt. All you do is copy the tag to a new message in Eudora. It will become a link, double click it, and then change the options.
A very useful one is: . It allows you to change the text when you reply to a message. I use the string: “At ^3 ^1, ^0 wrote:” to show “At time date, person wrote:” and the time, date, and the original sender’s name are placed automatically before the quoted earlier message.
Several years ago, I added in a Eudora setting that reads aloud the “bad” words in incoming messages. Unfortunately, that code is not publicly listed on the eudora web site any more, and I have no idea how to turn it off now. So I have to mute my computer when it starts spewing obscenities.
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My only issue with the x-eudora-settings is that, while there are to obtain a list of the settings, noplace tells you what the various code characters mean. Line feeds in strings, for instance.
I now know that ^3 is the time, ^1 is the date, and ^0 is the email address of the person to whom you are replying. I would rather that be the person’s name, but I can live with it.
A plugin called SuperSleek used to give you Settings to control a variety of things, but I have had no luck with that in 6.2.1.
Well, on my Eudora (6.2.3 on OS X), my value of is At ^3 ^1, ^0 wrote: which gives me this string:
At (time) (date), (person\’s name) wrote:
I\’ll experiment some and see what other codes I can see.
Hello! How do I do the XSettings change in Eudora 3.0? I need to change the SMTP port.
Hi Jim, According to , the X-settings capability was introduced in Eudora version 4.2.
If you need to enter an alternate port, you can try to add it after the domain name of the SMTP server. for example, Good luck. Mike