A few weeks ago, I wrote out a series of steps aimed at Fighting Bots Via Their Bad Requests. After watching my logs since then, I’ve noticed I made an incredibly stupid mistake. Bad bots do not follow 301 redirects! What does that mean? If a regular browser encounters a web page, image, or document […]
FaceBook Username
Facebook has allowed you to set up a username for your account. So you can now see my Facebook pages at http://facebook.com/planetmike.
Facebook, Meet 2009. 2009, Meet Facebook.
I agree with Kevin Burton’s thoughts at Facebook Pages are Just Blogs. I just wish I had written out the part about Facebook lacking RSS or other feeds first. I hate Monday mornings when I load up Facebook and have to hit the silly “Older Posts” button a bunch of times to catch up with […]
Fighting Bots Via Their Bad Requests
Last week I started looking through my “page not found” (404) errors. It’s been interesting to say the least, with nearly 800 bad requests since then, most of which have been various attacks in trying to mislead people. I address most of these attacks or probes by re-routing the request to a robot block system […]
Moving Away From Google Feedburner
I’ve decided to move away from Google Feedburner. I’ve deactivated my FeedSmith plugin, and have submitted changes to the domain name system. I am so glad that I used the MyBrand option when I set up my feeds. So my Feedburner feed which was http://feeds.planetmike.com/planetmikedotcom now refers browsers and feed readers to http://www.planetmike.com/feed/ I set […]
WordPress Theme Directory After Four Months
Last summer, WordPress opened their brand new Theme Directory with a whole bunch of themes. Three themes to be exact (Dum-Dum, Tarski, and Monotone I believe), with less than 1,000 downloads the first day. Four months later, after a lot of steady work by designers from around the world, the directory hosts 680 themes, with […]
Why is Facebook so slow?
I’ve been exploring Facebook the past few days. Why in the world do the pages load so incredibly slowly? I’ve found lots of people I know, although what are the odds that I might know someone else that went to Virginia Tech? It’s kind of ridiculous to “suggest” to me that I might know someone […]
Netcraft Oddities
What’s the deal with the phrase “no longer used” at the end of every post to Netcraft‘s blog? It’s been there for as long as I can remember. And why doesn’t Netcraft use www for their web site in their domain? Can you think of any other sites that don’t use www or nothing in […]
Technorati’s Lame Survey of the Blogosphere
Technorati emailed me today (for the first time since April 2007): Bloggers, Technorati has been tracking the Blogosphere for the past several years through our State of the Blogosphere study. This year we have decided to expand our study beyond the sheer size and characteristics of the blogosphere in order to hear more from you, […]
I Took It!
And so should you. The 2008 A List Apart Survey for People Who Make Web Sites.