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Archive of posts filed under the Miscellaneous category.

Never mind

Never mind.

Presidential Campaign Blogs

I was looking through the blogs for the Presidential Campaigns. It’s interesting that George Bush’s blog does not allow people to post comments, while John Kerry’s blog does allow public comments. (Ralph Nader does not have a blog.) I don’t know if the comments on Kerry’s blog are from “real” people or not, but based […]

The Electoral Vote Predictor

The Electoral Vote Predictor tracks the electoral vote state by state for the 2004 Presidential Elections. Very cool project.

Digital Photo Tips

A good list of tips for how to take better photographs (digital or film): Digital Photography Composition Tips.

Washington (DC) Apple Pi Redesign

The Washington Apple Pi is a Washington DC user group for Apple computers. They’ve posted details about their site re-design. Very interesting article.

Introduction to Cryptography

Cryptography is the process of scrambling information so that it can only be read by those people who know how to unscramble the data. For example, you can make a rule that you will shift all letters in the alphabet by three letters. So the letter “A” is represented by “D”, “B” is represented by […]