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Twitter Updates for 2013-06-26

  • RT @kobusb: ಠ_ಠ “Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to”

    FAIL #

  • RT @cultiv: Well that's the end of me reading Dilbert then. Someone doesn't get it. #
  • RT @squeekyhoho: There are very few comics that I will click through to see the comic. Found out today that Dilbert isn't one of them. Oh w… #
  • RT @scottestubbs: Woke up this morning and found the Dilbert RSS feed became a victim to its own pointy-haired management. #corporatehumor #
  • RIP Dilbert, clicking through to a web site for a comic from RSS is useless. What is this, 1995? @DailyDilbert #
  • I'm getting spam at the email address I gave only to @musicconnection . I assume privacy means nothing to them. #