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Renaming wp-comments-post.php does not help

Yesterday afternoon I renamed the default comments post file from wp-comments-post.php since I was being hit hard by comment spammers. The new filename started getting hit softly about 10 hours later, although the old filename is still being hit. So unless you change the comment post filename regularly, it doesn’t do much good.


  1. […] Back in January I tried renaming the wp-comments-post.php file to avoid comment spammers. That worked for about 10 hours, then they started using the new file name. So I switched back to the default filename. Like I said back then “So unless you change the comment post filename regularly, it doesn’t do much good.” […]

  2. PJ Pearl says:

    Hey Mike, I don’t know if you can help, or even take the time to help, but I haven’t found this answer anywhere and was hoping you might know. I use the sponsored mode of Eudora and recently it started doing this: Say I want to send an e-mail to five people in my address book. I click on the first name and enter “to,” then when I go to the second name and click “to,” it opens up in a new e-mail every time. I end up having to copy and paste each name into the e-mail. What happened? This is a new development. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

  3. Hi PJ,

    My Eudora doesn’t do that. I’ll email you directly to see if I can help. Mike